Welcome to the Mount Mercy University Net Price Calculator!
The Net Price Calculator is designed to help estimate your financial aid options for Mount Mercy. As you use the calculator, please remember:
This calculator is using information from the 2025 - 2026 academic year and is designed for traditional undergraduate students.
The results will only be as reliable as the data you provide; therefore, it might be helpful to have recent tax forms or financial statements on hand before you begin.
Financial aid for students living off campus or students living with parents is subject to reduction. (Note: First-year students in the traditional undergraduate program are required to live on campus unless living with a parent within a 30 miles radius of campus.)
The net price calculator will only give you an estimate of your net price and aid eligibility. The financial aid office has the final word on your financial aid award.
To officially apply for Financial Aid, a student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Mount Mercy's School Code for the FAFSA is 001880.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 1.319.368.6467 or [email protected].
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