We are excited for you to find out how affordable Minnesota State University Moorhead is for you!

This calculator will help you estimate your financial aid opportunities and out-of-pocket expense (i.e. "net price") for attending MSUM. Financial aid packages may include grants, scholarships and loans from a variety of sources such as the Federal Government, State of Minnesota and Minnesota State University Moorhead.

The results of the net price calculator are only as good as the information you provide; we encourage you to carefully complete the entire process to ensure you receive accurate results. The estimated awards are based on the assumption that you are an incoming, first-year student and will complete the FAFSA as early as possible after December 1. MSUM's scholarship application is available from October 1 - February 1.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Scholarship and Financial Aid at (218) 477-2251 or financialaid@mnstate.edu.

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