MLC’s Net Price Calculator is carefully designed to help you and your family estimate your financial aid options at Martin Luther College. Please be sure to complete the entire process to ensure the best possible results. Completion of the Martin Luther College Application process will provide an actual financial aid award. If you have any questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office at [email protected] or (507) 233-9154.

The Martin Luther College Net Price Calculator will not provide a valid estimate for students that are planning on enrolling in a certificate program at MLC. Students planning on enrolling in a certificate program should contact MLC’s Financial Aid Office and speak with the Director of Financial Aid to better determine their financial aid eligibility.

This calculator is only an estimate of your net price. Please note that the results of this calculator:

  • Do not represent a final determination, or actual award, of financial assistance
  • Are dependent upon the accuracy and completeness of information provided.
  • Are intended to be a guide to merit-based and need-based aid only
  • Are based on calculations for attendance of the 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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