Welcome to the official Mars Hill University Net Price Calculator!

The information in this calculator will give a net price estimate for undergraduate students enrolling at Mars Hill University in Fall 2025.

As you use the calculator, please remember:

  • This is not an application for admission or financial aid.
  • The results will only be as reliable as the data you provide.
  • The net price calculator will only give you an estimate of your net price and aid eligibility. The Financial Aid Office will notify you of your official Financial Aid Offer.
  • Please complete your FAFSA with the school code 002944 in order to qualify for additional funding.

To apply or for additional information, please contact us at 828-689-1201 or [email protected].

For financial aid questions or information, please contact us at 828-689-1123, or [email protected].

To start estimating your college expenses, or Continue as Guest.

To start estimating your college expenses, or Continue as Guest.